Saturday, March 28, 2015

IB Learner Profile

Spring Break! Finally.

I recently started a learner profile chart with my firsties. Every day, in the morning, they had to decide which learner profile they'd like to work on for the day. Some of my firsties tend to put Caring or Risk-taker and talk about how they tried new food or how they were nice to friends. I try to encourage them to be a Risk-taker and try to work on a different learner profile. At the end of the day, we would sit together while they have snack, and each of them would discuss the goal they were working on and how they reached their goal (being Reflective!). Sometimes, they might not have reached their goal, which is fine. I like to see how they're using my learner profile wall, and being able to reflect on their actions. My firsties also enjoy setting their goal, giving them ownership.
It takes about 10 minutes towards the end of the day or while they're having snack.

Let me know your thoughts!

I downloaded and printed the learner profile stickers, which I printed on paper and laminated, from Pinterest (IB Learner Profile from

Have a great Saturday! (: 

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